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DNA Synthesizer Services and Repairs
uMI Panorama™ by United Imaging

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DNA Synthesizer

A DNA synthesizer is a piece of laboratory equipment used to synthesize DNA molecules. It works by breaking down a DNA template into its component nucleotides and then reassembling them into a new DNA molecule. The synthesizer can be used to create custom DNA sequences for research, gene therapy, and drug development.

The price of a DNA synthesizer can vary greatly depending on the type and features of the machine. Most basic models start around $10,000, while higher-end models can cost up to $100,000. The most popular manufacturers of DNA synthesizers are Agilent, Bio-Rad, and Thermo Fisher Scientific. These companies offer a variety of models and features to suit different needs and budgets. Some of the features available on higher-end models include automated sequencing, automated purification, and integrated software for data analysis. In addition, many of these machines come with a range of accessories, such as reagents and kits, to further enhance their capabilities.