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Q&A with Jason Green, partner and chief sales officer of Health Connect Partners

by Gus Iversen, Editor in Chief | August 13, 2019
From the August 2019 issue of HealthCare Business News magazine

HCB News: What are the most highly attended events of the year?
JG: Our conferences continue to grow, with each season setting new records for our highest attendance. Anytime you can bring together a hospital decision-maker and a supplier who has relevant solutions for them, then give them an opportunity to connect in a meaningful way, the end result is going to be a strong ROI. There is not a better environment for networking, relationship building, and professional development in one location.

HCB News: Are you seeing increased growth or interest in any of the other particular events? If so, what do you attribute that to?
JG: We are seeing tremendous growth in the Radiology & Imaging; Hospital Supply Chain; and Hospital O.R. & Surgical markets, as there are multiple call points throughout the hospital that involve decision makers in each of these areas.

HCB News: For providers, how might attending HCP and connecting face-to-face with suppliers result in added value or benefit to their facility?
JG: In the words of one provider attendee: “I am able to build relationships with the vendors here because the meetings are one-on-one in my booth. I have a chance to meet with vendors that can actually save my hospital money and I have dedicated time to ask them my questions. I do not get that kind of one-on-one care elsewhere, and I appreciate that about HCP. I also appreciate that HCP brings in not just the big, well-known vendors but also smaller companies just starting out who are on the cusp of something new. Some of the vendors I’ve met here have saved my hospital a tremendous amount of cash flow, and they introduced me to things that I would not have ordinarily had an opportunity to learn about.”

HCB News: How will HCP look different five years from now?
JG: The answer to that question is tied to another: how will the healthcare industry look different five years from now? We are in a constantly evolving industry. However the healthcare landscape shifts, HCP will be there to meet the needs of our healthcare leaders by providing access to superior professional development and an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen their business connections.

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