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Questioning "business as usual"

by Sean Ruck, Contributing Editor | April 01, 2013
From the April 2013 issue of HealthCare Business News magazine

The more time I've spent in professional roles over the years, the more I've realized "business as usual" is an unusual concept. In today's business environment where ideas are shared, stocks are traded and yes, even gossip is spread with lightning-fast speed, the definition of "usual" is hard to pin down.

Thirty years ago, magazines were delivered via post - today, the USPS is facing insolvency. Meanwhile, newspaper deliveries, once a key income generator for kids, have dropped significantly as more and more people go online for the latest. Just 15 years ago, you might have been able to read some of the news with very few bells and whistles online. Today, it's a fight against pop-up and banner ads and advertising masquerading as news. A decade ago, email and online options improved and there was a larger audience pulling news and information from cyberspace. Now, you're likely to get more spam email than desired correspondence.

So with information flooding in from everywhere and the world changing faster each day, it makes sense to review things we've been doing for years to determine= if we should continue doing them the same old way or if they need to be revised. This issue of DOTmed Business News offers a perfect example of traditional ideas or processes being challenged. That example can be found in our cover story.

It's about the debate between health care professionals who think that dosimetry badges are being overused and others who think they're being used at the proper level, or even need to be used more. On the one side, there's the idea that the badges create a false sense of safety - they're not protecting wearers from radiation exposure, but just reporting when there is exposure. Essentially, some of these experts argue that badges are addressing a problem after the cow's already out of the barn - or more precisely, after the radiation is already out of the machine. More of a tool to cure a problem rather than to prevent one. Plus, without badges, the theory goes, staff will be more attentive to following safe practices.

In the other camp, dosimetry badge proponents contend that the more badges are used, the better the level of information collected on exposure and the easier it is to identify and correct any problem.

While I believe that health care should have a greater focus on prevention over cure, both sides have some valid points. Check out the story starting on page 38 and see what side you agree with. You can also give your opinion at the end of the online version of the story

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