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Letter from the Editor: January 2012

by Sean Ruck, Contributing Editor | January 01, 2012
From the January 2012 issue of HealthCare Business News magazine

Something Old, Something New

If you’ve been following the news, you may be aware that according to the Mayan calendar, this is the year the world ends. Of course, if you were following the news last year, you can breathe a sigh of relief, because in 2010, it was purported that the world would end in 2011. In either case, I recommend not cashing in your savings for a last hurrah — I’m confident the news will cover this story again next year. If they’re right and I’m wrong, feel free to call me out on it.

As for real news, this issue of DOTmed Business News has something old and something new. On the side of the old, our CT Industry Sector Report covers a topic we looked at last year — dose reduction. Unlike the predictions based on the Mayan calendar, it might have felt like the world was ending for some in health care. Just days before RSNA 2009, big news stories broke about patients being exposed to excessive radiation doses during CT procedures. Subsequent lawsuits ensued with hospitals, manufacturers of the equipment and the individuals performing the procedures all under attack. It was the big topic of discussion at the show.

Fast-forward two years and it’s still a big topic. However, rather than talking about what can be done, we’re able to discuss what has been done to reduce dose. Manufacturers have stepped-up and provided some solutions, with more on the way. We cover those innovations and more in this issue’s CT ISR.

For something new, we’re introducing a new semi-regular feature. Similar to our Hospital Spotlight, The World in Health Care will focus on different hospitals and health care facilities around the world. However, unlike Hospital Spotlight, it won’t necessarily offer up the top facilities. The section will cover the spectrum, from the most advanced and innovative facilities, to facilities struggling to provide care in under-served places around the world. There’s a chance you’ll feel envious of a facility featured in one issue, only to be appreciative of how good your own is compared to the facility in the next.

As always, we welcome feedback about stories and suggestions for future stories. Happy New Year and happy reading!

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