Over 850 Total Lots Up For Auction at One Location - NJ Cleansweep 06/13

Old Into Gold: Case Studies in Equipment Auctions

by Sean Ruck, Contributing Editor | November 30, 2009
Old Into Gold
This report originally appeared in the November 2009 issue of DOTmed Business News

Fast and Efficient
Yusupha Kah of Jackson Memorial knew to call DOTmed.com when there was a 1994 OEC 9600 C-Arm the hospital wished to sell.

Online Auction Specialist, Mark Colavecchio coordinated with Kah and the Auction was introduced to DOTmed users, who responded with a round of bids. The unit sold quickly, needing just one Auction to sell the C-Arm for $23,000.

Colavecchio kept close communication with the Successful Bidder, getting Jackson Memorial their funds in just one day. He worked with the Bidder and the Hospital to arrange pickup of the machine the next day.

Jackson Memorial's surplus medical equipment has accumulated more than $117,000 in Auction revenue since they started using DOTmed Online Auctions.

Room for Profit

A prestigious health care group had a highly important issue they needed to address. They had to deinstall and sell three rad rooms within a two-week time frame. Normally, with such short notice, the hospital would expect to pay out of pocket for a service company to come in and deinstall the units and if a buyer wasn't found, they would not only not make any money from the equipment, they would actually lose money due to the deinstall costs.

Fortunately, their familiarity with DOTmed gave them another option - a fast Auction reaching a huge audience. Online Auction Specialist Colm Ford turned his attention to heavily promoting this time-sensitive Auction. DOTmed packaged the three rooms as one auction and the bidding began.

The Auction successfully closed and the rooms sold for $12,000 with 10 different parties bidding on them from around the globe.

Thanks to DOTmed's services directory and industry contacts, a deinstallation team and shipping company was ready to send the rooms on their way all in time to make the deadline. In the end, the health care group not only didn't lose money to move the rooms out, they made money on the auction - a winning situation.