Dr. Bruce Haffty

Are you ready for RSNA 2022?

November 21, 2022
by Gus Iversen, Editor in Chief
With the annual Radiological Society of North America meeting just weeks away, HealthCare Business News checked in with president, Dr. Bruce Haffty, to find out more about his career. We also talked about what attendees can expect at the upcoming meeting at McCormick Place in Chicago.

HCB News: Who or what inspired you to pursue a career in healthcare?
Dr. Bruce Haffty: With a strong interest in science, I always had some interest in healthcare. After getting my degree in biomedical engineering and working in a hospital environment, my commitment to a medical career solidified, and I ultimately went to medical school.

HCB News: Why did you focus on radiology?
BH: My career choice was radiation oncology because of my interest in patient contact paired with the combination of biological, physics and engineering principles in the specialty of radiation oncology.

HCB News: Can you tell us about some of your career milestones?
BH: I consider my career to be a journey with a number of milestones. Obviously, graduation from medical school and completion of my residency are major milestones. Other milestones included completion of some clinical trials with which I have been involved, as well as leadership opportunities I have had the chance to experience with the American Board of Radiology, ASTRO, the American Radium Society and now RSNA.

HCB News: What has your history with the RSNA been like?
BH: My involvement with RSNA has been a wonderful experience. Prior to serving on the board, I was involved with a number of committees including the BOOST (Bolstering Oncoradiologic and Oncoradio¬therapeutic Skills for Tomorrow) program which was very successful. In addition, I had delivered the Annual Oration in Radiation Oncology and also was honored to receive the Outstanding Educator Award. My most recent history, serving on the board of directors, and now as president, has given me an appreciation of how much RSNA means to the house of radiology throughout the world.

HCB News: As a leader of the society, what have been some of your top initiatives or priorities?
BH: One of my top priorities has been raising the profile and appreciation of all that RSNA has to offer throughout the greater medical community and among patients. While RSNA clearly has a significant and dominant profile in radiology, I want patients and our multidisciplinary doctors throughout medicine to appreciate what RSNA has to offer.

HCB News: Are there events or presentations you are most looking forward to at this year's meeting?
BH: I always look forward to the cutting-edge science presented at the meeting. I’m also excited about the plenary sessions, which revolve around the patient experience, and one of our featured plenary speakers: Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee, Pulitzer prize-winning author of The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer. There will also be an important discussion among notable policy experts on the future of Medicare, with a focus on radiology/radiation oncology: Medicare and U.S. Healthcare Policy: A National Conversation. That’s sure to be very interesting.

HCB News: What topics do you expect will dominate conversations among show attendees this year?
BH: Artificial intelligence continues to be a hot topic. I hope the theme of this year’s meeting around the patient and multidisciplinary partners working together resonates, and people appreciate the patient-centered theme of the meeting.

HCB News: Why should young radiology professionals today consider joining RSNA?
BH: RSNA offers a wide variety of educational opportunities throughout the year. The RSNA annual meeting remains the pre-eminent forum for radiology throughout the world. In addition to the high-quality scientific content and educational sessions that are among the most outstanding content available in radiology, the networking opportunities and exhibit hall opportunities to see the latest available technology are second to none.

HCB News: What is some of the greatest advice you've ever received?
BH: To always put the patient’s interest first whenever a difficult decision lies before you in the clinical world.