The Paoli-Calmettes Institute adopts Epione, Quantum Surgical’s minimally invasive surgical robot that destroy cancerous tumors

March 14, 2024
Marseille, March 14, 2024 – The Paoli-Calmettes Insitute (IPC) acquired Epione®, Quantum Surgical’ robotic platform which enables curative and early treatment of tumors. The first patient was treated yesterday in Marseille. The IPC is the 4th center in the world to offer its patients this minimally invasive treatment in which one or several needles are inserted through the skin into the tumor to destroy it.

Epione® is a robot-assisted technology that enables interventional radiologists to perform safe and effective percutaneous tumor ablations, a minimally invasive treatment where one or more needles are inserted through the skin to destroy the tumor. This platform is designed to plan, target, execute, and confirm the ablation of abdominal and pulmonary tumors, with other locations currently under study.

After Baptist Health Hospital in Miami, Gustave Roussy Institute in Villejuif, and Hospices Civils de Lyon, the Paoli-Calmettes Institute is the fourth center in the world to acquire the Epione® robot.

For over 10 years, at IPC, patients have been benefiting from these percutaneous ablation techniques to treat small tumors, either using heat (radiofrequency, microwave) or cold (cryotherapy). These treatments are performed within a dedicated unit consisting of three operating rooms with two interventional scanners and an angiography table. The advent of robotics in interventional radiology will further enhance the safety and precision of these procedures.

Professor Norbert Vey, General Director of IPC, explains: "IPC is a cancer center dedicated to offering increasingly effective treatments to its patients. IPC's strategy now includes developing minimally invasive interventions to enhance patients' quality of life and reduce after-effects. By offering minimally invasive tumor ablations, IPC will be able to treat more patients and improve their comfort."

Quantum Surgical and the Paoli-Calmettes Institute have signed a scientific and clinical partnership agreement focusing on clinical studies, with Quantum Surgical acting as the promoter, as well as pioneering topics in robotics.

"Epione® is a unique robotic solution that enables the treatment of tumors in hard-to-reach areas, where only a few experts can intervene. With the robot, these minimally invasive treatments will be standardized, allowing us to provide this curative treatment to a larger number of patients," adds Dr. Gilles Piana, Head of the Medical Imaging Department at IPC.

"This new acquisition by the Paoli-Calmettes Institute in Marseille marks a significant milestone for Quantum Surgical and is a recognition of the benefits of Epione®. We are delighted that an increasing number of patients can benefit from our minimally invasive technology, which destroys tumors while improving their comfort," states Bertin Nahum, President and Co-founder of Quantum Surgical.

About Quantum Surgical
Quantum Surgical is a French medical robotics company founded in Montpellier. Its Epione® robotic percutaneous ablation platform is dedicated to the curative and early treatment of cancers. Quantum Surgical thus offers a new approach to cancer treatment by standardizing access to care. More patients can benefit from innovative, better targeted and less invasive treatments. Hundreds of patients have already been treated worldwide.

Co-founded in 2017 and with a team of 110+ employees, Quantum Surgical is based in Montpellier, with offices in Miami, Florida. Quantum Surgical received the Prix Galien USA in 2022, the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for biopharmaceutical research and joined in 2023 the governmental French Tech 2030 program in 2023 that supports top emerging actors in disruptive innovation.

About the Paoli-Calmettes Institute (IPC)
Founded in 1925, IPC was certified by the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) in 2021 with the mention of High Quality Care, the highest level of certification, and accredited as a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the OECI (Organization of European Cancer Institutes) in June 2019. With over 2,000 medical and non-medical staff members dedicated to the comprehensive management of all cancer pathologies—research, medical care, supportive care, teaching, and training—Paoli-Calmettes Institute conducted over 100,000 consultations and received nearly 12,000 new patients in 2022. Alongside IPC, CRCM is committed to sustainable improvement in patient care and quality of life through the identification and development of new treatments from innovative research programs in the field of cancer. Patient care at IPC is exclusively based on social security rates, and no additional fees are charged at the establishment. As a member of the Unicancer network, IPC has established collaborations with around twenty healthcare institutions in the region.