Dunlee Glassware Tip of the Month: Understanding Pumps in GE VCT Scanners

October 31, 2013
Aurora, Illinois - It's time for another Dunlee Technical Webinar! On November 14th, the team will discuss servicing pumps in GE VCT scanners. You can register for the webinar at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6594046463190762498.

During the webinar, the team will discuss information you need to know, such as are pumps interchangeable between types of scanners? They will answer questions on how often to replace this part and offer troubleshooting tips to determine if your pump is working properly.

If you can't attend the webinar, we keep a recording at www.dunlee.com/webinars. You can view all past webinars here, as well.

Our Technical Support Team is available 24 x 7 at 800.238.3780 to answer any further questions you may have.

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