Over 1950 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - NJ Cleansweep 06/13, NJ 06/14

Parts Hunter™ Requests
Make an Offer to supply a part to these Buyers.

Not Yet a Seller?
Go to "MY DOTmed > "My Equipment/Service Categories" and fill out your "Parts You Sell" profile -- get automatically notified of Buyer Requests.

  • Q: Why has the Buyer not yet chosen a Seller?

    A: Some Buyers find the part outside the Parts Hunter service, and neglect to cancel their Request; some Buyers are brokers working on behalf of a hospital, but lose out to another broker and neglect to cancel their Request. We remind the Buyer to cancel their Request if they no longer need the part and we prevent them from submitting future Requests until they have done so.

  • Q: What is DOTmed's commission?

    A: You will be charged a 5% commission if your Offer has been chosen by the buyer. If the 5% commission is below $1,000 then your credit card will automatically be charged. If the 5% commission is $1,000 or higher you will be sent an invoice and payment instructions.

  • Q: How long do I have to make an Offer?

    A: If you have the part, you should make an Offer as soon as possible - the Buyer can choose a Seller at any time. If you do not make an Offer in 8 days, you will not be able to Bid on that Buyer's Request.

  • Q: If I ask the Buyer to 'Make an Offer' for the price they are willing to pay, do I just get to see the price, or do all the Sellers see the price?

    A: You get an email alerting you that the Buyer submitted a price, which you can see posted at the top of the Buyer's Request. Other Sellers, if and when they re-visit the Buyer's Request, can also see it.

  • Q: After a Buyer makes an Offer, and I see the price that person is willing to pay, how do I respond?

    A: You have to use 'Supply a price for this part.'

  • Q: Why does my message to the Buyer not appear?

    A: Your message violated the message rules and was deleted.

  • Q: Will DOTmed upload my parts?

    A: Yes. We will upload your parts list and use that to match against Buyers' Requests.

  • Q: What format should my part lists be in?

    A: We find it is often easiest for Sellers to use MS Excel, although we can work with you to find a format that's easy for you. Contact DOTmed for information and help at 212-742-1200 Ext. 296 or email us

  • Q: Why am I getting Buyer Requests for parts I do not stock?

    A: If you indicated that you sell CT Scanner parts in your Seller Profile, but did not check-off the specific manufacturers and models you deal with, you will receive Requests for ALL CT Scanner parts. The solution: Click on 'My DOTmed' > 'My Equipment/Service Categories' and select your Equipment/Service Categories once again, and be sure to select only the manufacturers you represent as a parts seller. Even better, upload your parts list for more exact matches.

  • Q: When should I rate the Buyer?

    A: You should only rate the Buyer after shipping the part and receiving payment.

  • Q: Can the Buyer rate me?

    A: Yes. And you should ask to be rated; it helps identify you as a preferred Seller.

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