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How To Purchase a Used Oxygen Analyzer

December 18, 2023
An Oxygen Analyzer is a device used to measure the concentration of oxygen in a gas mixture. This tool is essential in various industries, including the medical field, where it assists in patient care by monitoring respiratory gases.

Deciding to purchase a used Oxygen Analyzer can be a sensible option for many, as it allows you to acquire this critical equipment at a lower price-point. However, due diligence is required when buying used equipment to ensure it meets your specific needs, especially in terms of type, cost, and brand.

Identifying the Right Type

When exploring the market for a used Oxygen Analyzer, you’ll come across several types. Most commonly, you’ll find paramagnetic, electrochemical (including galvanic and polarographic), and zirconia oxygen analyzers. The best fit for your needs depends on the specific nature of your work. For instance, if you need to measure oxygen concentrations in harsh environments, a zirconia oxygen analyzer may be the best pick. Understanding your application requirements is key to determining the right type.

Cost Considerations

Opting to buy a used Oxygen Analyzer can certainly save you money. However, the ultimate cost will be influenced by factors like the product's age, condition, and the vendor's pricing strategies. It would help if you also considered the maintenance and operational costs, as these can significantly impact the total cost of ownership. Always verify the product’s condition, and where possible, ask for certification of previous maintenance and servicing.

Brand Selection

There are many manufacturers of Oxygen Analyzers, and the brand you choose can significantly impact the analyzer's performance and longevity. Some reputable manufacturers include Dräger, Servomex, AMETEK Process Instruments, AII-Advanced Instruments, and HORIBA. These brands have a history of producing reliable and robust oxygen analyzers, giving users confidence in their performance. It's worth noting that while these brands are renowned for quality equipment, it’s crucial to assess the condition of a used unit before making a purchase.

Equipment Testing

Regardless of the brand or cost, you should always test the used Oxygen Analyzer before purchasing it. Ensure it provides accurate readings, has all functions working correctly, and shows no signs of extensive wear and tear. The seller should be able to provide a demonstration of the unit in working order or provide a period for testing and return if the analyzer doesn't meet your expectations.

In summary, successfully purchasing a used Oxygen Analyzer involves identifying the appropriate type, considering cost implications, selecting a reputable brand, and thoroughly testing the equipment. Following these steps will assure you of making a well-informed decision that suits your specific needs and budget.

Happy Oxygen Analyzer Shopping!

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